Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety Management System
The certification of AGS for the management of operation and maintenance of water and wastewater infrastructures, through Concessions, institutionalised Public-Private Partnerships or Service Provision, was a pioneering focus in the water sector, resulting in consolidated benefits for clients, for AGS and for society in general in the years that followed.
The implementation of NP EN ISO 9001 (Quality), NP EN ISO 14001 (Environment) and NP EN ISO 45001 (Safety) led to the implementation of a number of in-house procedures and methods which made it possible to find a way of working consistently and robustly, while at the same time remaining extremely flexible, throughout AGS.
AGS developed an Integrated Management System that was implemented in steps and, in 2018, the scope of its quality, environment and safety certifications was extended to AQUASIS – Information Systems, following the acquisition of 55% of its share capital.