AGS implements methodologies for the development of Water Safety Plans at Water Utilities based on the approach adopted by the World Health Organisation and by ERSAR (Portuguese water regulator), permitting the identification and prioritisation of hazards and risks associated with the quality of the water throughout the entire supply system.
To provide the Water Utilities with a Water Safety Plan
To assure the quality of the water throughout the entire supply system
To promote appropriate risk management in order to minimise the hazards identified
The approach adopted in the development of the plans includes:
Assessment of the water supply system
Identification of hazards and risk analysis
Identification of control measures
Establishment of monitoring procedures and corrective actions
Procedures for routine management
Procedures for management under exception and emergency conditions
Establishment of communication protocols and documentation
Providing the Water Utilities with a Water Safety Plan
Assuring the quality of the water throughout the entire supply system - from the source to the consumer's tap
Providing a public health policy
Promoting appropriate risk management in order to minimise the hazards identified
Development of Water Safety Plans using the best practices in the sector and bearing the context of the Water Utility in mind.